MARFA LIGHTS premiered in November 2008 in a vacant backyard in Brooklyn, NY. Partnering with The Traveler’s Box (formerly The Sandwich Box Project) out of Denmark, MARFA LIGHTS used numerous bags of sand, tents, and frigid cold temperatures to create an atmosphere of a nativity play in a ghostly desert night where two couples come to terms with insomnia, infertility, sexual deviance, delirium, and death- all in the midst of a mysterious and massive owl migration. But when an unexplained visitor comes into camp, a midwinter’s night dream ensues- complete with a chorus of crickets, pink elephants, UFOs, horoscopes, memories of tennis and the joy of magnets.
Conceived and developed by Adam Belvo, Darcie Champagne, Benjamin Manglos, Michael Mason, Karl Newman, Lacy Post, Julie Rossman, Casey Wimpee, and Cole Wimpee.